Gobble Gobble!
Are you ready for all the goodness of Thanksgiving?
For those of you in the United States, you know tomorrow is the day we typically get together with our family and friends and eat, visit, eat some more and maybe watch and/or play some football.
But just like pretty much everything else this year, tomorrow will look very different for most of us.
So I want to encourage you – in the midst of your day tomorrow, I want you to really take a moment and be thankful.
Yes, I know. The name of the day is Thanksgiving. You’re already thankful.
But seriously. I want you to intentionally take a moment
–Slip away to the bathroom
–Step outside
–Run out to the car
And take those 60 seconds to really be thankful. To think of all the blessings you have experienced even in this crazy year.
And let it soak in.
And then say a word of thanks to God for letting you be alive to experience it all.
And may I challenge you to even be thankful for the bad stuff?
Because when we are challenged is when we grow.
If you’ve ever worked out, you know that when your muscles really hurt it’s a good sign that things are changing.
And it’s the same with us personally. Learning and growing happens most in the difficult times. And if this year has been anything, it’s been difficult.
So my dear friend – take a breath and flex your gratitute muscle tomorrow and be thankful. Then look forward with anticipation at all the good stuff that’s bound to be just up ahead.
Gratefully Cheering You On,
Christy 🙂
P.S. If you struggle with justifying gratitude in your life (because, let’s face it, things really could be so much better…) I want to recommend an excellent article by my friends over at PositivePsychology.com. They’ve put together a list of 14 Health Benefits of Practicing Gratitude According to Science. It’s very informative and inspiring. Click Here for the article.
And, it’s just the kind of information I’ll be sharing in my Midlife Mindset Mastery Course starting in January. So be sure to check it out and start reaping the benefits of gratitude right now. xoxo