This was such a full week. The kids are just getting back into the swing of school with field trips and projects due. My big thing with them was trying to find a way to have some devotional time in the morning. Last year we started reading Jesus Calling: 365 Devotions For Kids by Sara Young, in the car on the way to the bus stop, but the book got removed and we never restarted. So this week I put it back into the car and the kids are so into it! Either of them can read it now while I drive, and they have been taking turns. It’s such a fresh way to center our hearts and focus our minds before the day starts. If you’re looking for a way to connect your kids with a daily conversation with God, this is a super easy and meaningful way.
Next week I’m going to clean out Amelia’s closet and room. The poor thing is living with piles upon piles. I was inspired by Kathy Lipp’s new book, Clutter Free: Quick and Easy Steps to Simplifying Your Space. I plan on writing a blog post about the book later this month, so I’ll let you know how the room project goes!
Of all of these, I actually only recommend two.
Anne Lamott’s Small Victories: Spotting Improbable Moments of Grace. This collection of essays on faith, family and community are so beautifully written it often makes you cry. I do so love her writing. Despite our faith differences, I’m always pulled towards contemplation when I read her words. Beautiful.
I love a good mystery, so Margaret Maron’s Designated Daughters (A Deborah Knott Mystery) did not disappoint. Entertaining and fast moving, I enjoyed this quick read.
The other books were either trite (Danielle Steel, what did I expect?!…can you say, Escape!), boring, The Book of Jonah, or too difficult to wade through. I wanted to love Dallas Willards’ award winning last book, but it was so dense I couldn’t stick with it. I hope I have better luck next week! Here’s what that stack looks like. By the way, can you tell I’m a huge advocate of our public library!
What I’m planning on reading next week:
Wellness Journey: Well, I’ve successfully completed week 1! I’m so happy! Here’s how it’s going so far…
- So far the food has been pretty tasty and easy to prepare. I like most of it.
- My favorite thing is that the week’s eating is all planned out and even prepackaged so it’s easy for me to get the food out the night before and have it ready to go in the morning.
- I’m drinking a lot and even writing down what I eat. That’s a huge win for me because I generally tend to fight that kind of restriction. But I keep telling myself this is just for 4 months (my goal!) and is a means to an end.
- No exercise but I did go to the chiropractor and also get a massage. I liked that because it’s a way of taking care of myself. On Thursday I stepped into a hole in the road while crossing the street to my kids’ piano lesson. I really shocked my body…thus the trip to the chiro.
But I’m strong and I’m on the mend. Next week I’ll add in some yoga and walking. That should feel great!
I just don’t like cooking. There, I said it. The incredible amount of time (even with use of the crock pot) just drives me crazy! Thanks to Sara Fragoso and Everyday Paleo, I now know how to cook, but I just don’t like it. I guess I would like it more if that’s all I had to do…but with a messy home and kids to play with and books to read, for heaven’s sake!, I just don’t enjoy all the time I spend in the kitchen. So, that’s just a little aside that’s neither here nor there, but I thought some of you might be freed to say the same thing by hearing me say it.
And some of you might have suggestions for how I could simplify so that I like it more.
Professionally: This week was neat because I finally got my first podcast of the year posted, and have set up a new schedule…so that it will be released on Wednesdays from now on. The frustrating thing is that for some reason my podcasts since December 1st are not showing up in iTunes…so I spent a ton of time trying to figure that out…and it’s still not fixed! Argh.
I also had a productive work session with my tech helper and the support team from Infusionsoft, the program I purchased for all my emailings and so forth. It’s another steep learning curve, but I’m so excited to have it because it will allow me to offer all sorts of exciting products and programs directly to you in a professional and automized way.
Next week I have a few big things on my calendar.
- Saturday I’m speaking for a local non-profit, Homes of Hope for Vida, which is an organization that helps victims of domestic abuse with long term housing. I’ll be working on that program this week.
- I’m also planning on finishing up all the edits of my book and starting on the recording. My plan is to launch on Tuesday February 3rd, so stay tuned!
- I’m also working on learning more of that infusionsoft support program I mentioned earlier. As I said, that’s a steep learning curve, so I’m trying to do a little bit every day.
- Add in a new podcast and 2 blog posts, a day trip to San Francisco to take my son to a Dr.’s appointment, filming for my TV-Show all morning Thursday and a field trip with my daughter’s class on Friday, and it’s going to be a very full week! I hope yours will be fabulous too!
Question: What are you working on? What are you looking forward to? I’d love to hear from you. Just leave your comments below.