
The Point of Your Passions

Pickleball Passion

The Point of Your Passions

800 1200 Christy

Finding your passions in midlife is not as easy as it might seem. You could say it’s a work in progress.

This morning I snuck over to the local Pickleball courts and had several hours of Pickleball play with some new friends.

I have a long “to do” list, but instead of chaining myself to my desk to get it done, I threw on some (warm) sweats and headed out into the chill for some exercise and fellowship.

As I was playing, I hit as many losers as winners. I ran cross court and jumped up in the air for shots, channeling my inner Michael Jordan (I was at least 2″ off the courts!) and I laughed too many times to count.

When I headed home, sweaty and with my emotional tank full to the brim, I knew I would have a productive day ahead.

That’s because, as you well know, Pickleball has quickly become a new passion for me.

And when we make time for our passions, suddenly our other available time grows almost exponentially.

Once I was home, instead of sitting at my desk, struggling to find the words, instead I’m struggling to type fast enough to get the words out.

Instead of worrying about how I’m going to finish the Christmas decorating that’s been laying around 1/2 finished, I whipped out the mantle and cleared up the stragglers in about 15 minutes!

That’s what happens when your tank is full.

So this is my question for you.

What fills your tank?

What’s your passion that makes your heart sing? (At least for right now – Lord knows they change over time), but for today, what is it?

In my course that’s coming out in January, I’ll be doing a deep dive into how to find your passions. Because, let’s face it, between laundry, carpool and work demands, we midlife women often lose our sense of what we absolutely love.

A Simple Exercise

Finding your passions in midlife can be life challenging. But it is key to living your most fulfilled life.

For today, here’s a quick exercise you can try to clarify your passions:

Set the timer for 5 minutes.

Then, I want you to think back when you were between 10 and 16 years old.

What did you love to do? What were you good at and what did you enjoy doing? Which activities took up the most of your time?

Using a pen and paper, write down a list. Sometimes, as you start writing, more and more will come to mind. Write it all down.

Then look over that list and see if there are any common denominators. If so, pull them out.

And ask yourself if any of those things are things you would be interested in doing right now.

They may look different now. For example, when I was that age, I did basketball, swimming, diving, softball, rugby (I know!), cross country, cheerleading, volleyball and tennis. The common denominator was that I played team sports. I liked being on a team and I liked competing in athletics.

Today, I channel that desire onto the Pickleball court rather than all the other sports, and even though it’s a different sport, it’s filling that desire (Passion) right up to the top.

Now It’s Your Turn…

Now you can think about finding your own passions in midlife. And how you can add them into your life right now.

Because one thing I know for sure – this world needs YOU alight with your passion light shining.

Cheering you on,

Christy 🙂