Well, I can hardly believe it…but I got something in the mail yesterday that’s pretty darn exciting
Remember last week, I told you I had ordered the proof…here it is and this is what it looks like.
It’s a little book, just a month’s worth of devotionals, but I think it’s cute and a perfect size for a gift book too!
Here’s a peek at the inside:
I love that there is room for you to jot down your thoughts and think through the topic. Plus, of course an affirmation to help you keep your thoughts in the right place.
I’m so thankful to finally get this finished! Now for the marketing…
But seriously, I’m so glad I didn’t give up on this book.
I’ve been talking about doing it for almost 2 years! Crazy!
But even though it took way longer than I had planned, today I’m thankful to say it’s finished and available on Amazon.
What is a dream you’ve had, that you’ve been thinking is taking too long, and you’re tempted to give up on?
Is there something that you’ve been wanting to do, but so many excuses, and fear and just…life are holding you back?
May I encourage you to take a step towards it today.
It doesn’t have to be a big step, but any movement towards your dream will pay off down the line.
So consider your heart’s desires. Remind yourself it’s not too late. And take a baby step of action.
Then hit reply and let me know what you’ve done. Because, as always, I’m here
Cheering you on,
P.S. Here’s a link if you want to see the book on Amazon! The E-book is available right now, and the paperback will be available in just a couple days.