
Something Different Today

Something Different Today

876 1136 Christy

Hello sweet friend!

I thought I would do something a little differently this week as I’ve been working on my newest book, Pickleball Evangelism – How to Start, Run and Grow a Church Pickleball Program, and as I was working on it, I thought you might be interested in reading a excerpt from the introduction.

It’s a little bit rough, but I think you’ll get the idea…



I love Pickleball! The teenager next door loves Pickleball. My son’s teacher loves Pickleball. The grandmother in my Bible Study loves Pickleball. My daughter’s lacrosse coach loves Pickleball. My Pastor loves Pickleball. What on earth is going on?

What is it about this simple sport with the funny name? Why is everyone so crazy about this sport?

When people ask me why I’m so crazy about Pickleball it’s kind of difficult to verbalize. Now, you must know, I’m a talker. I was the kid who got notes home from her elementary school teachers telling my parents I would do great if only I would stop talking! I love and use words every day. Yet describing this feeling I have about Pickleball leaves me speechless. But for your sake, I will try.

What is is about this game? You’re playing with strangers who become your favorite friends. You’re not particularly athletic or competitive, yet still, you love it. You’re using oversized ping pong paddles and hitting a wiffle ball across a net dividing a court 1/2 the size of a tennis court. You’re running, jumping, and more than anything else, laughing.

I think I’ve figured it out. You see, you’re playing like you haven’t since elementary school. Your mind is on nothing but the game. For just the 10-15 minutes it takes to play a game, you forget about doing your taxes. You forget about your troubled child and aging parent. You forget about the dire economy and political strife you’re bombarded with all day long.

For just a bit, you’re that 10-year-old tetherball, kickball-playing kid on the playground again. And now you’re laughing and shouting and moving like you haven’t in years. You’re cheering your partner on and laughing some more. Your heart is full. Your dopamine producers are in full force and you’re suffused with a wonderful sense of well-being.

No matter if you lose or win, you’re in the best mood you’ve been in for days and your only thought as you exit the court is, “When does the next game start?”

You’ve fallen in love with Pickleball.

So what does this have to do with your church? Now more than ever people are looking for Jesus. Because now more than ever, they are looking for and longing for hope in this dark world. What we do, as Christians, in churches all across the world, is give hope through life in Christ.

What is the biggest barrier to people learning about this hope? It’s the idea of coming to church.

According to Gallop polling, the numbers are discouraging. “Two decades ago, an average of 42% of U.S. adults attended religious services every week or nearly every week. A decade ago, the figure fell to 38%, and it is currently at 30%.”

Gallop goes on to say, “This decline is largely driven by the increase in the percentage of Americans with no religious affiliation — 9% in 2000-2003 versus 21% in 2021-2023 — almost all of whom do not attend services regularly.”

So what if there was a way to invite people into your church in a non-threatening, life-affirming, loving, fun way?

I posit Pickleball is that “Trojan horse” with which we will win souls for Christ.

And how to start, run and grow a vibrant pickleball program is what the rest of this book will share with you.

By the time you finish this book, my guess is you’ll be inspired and equipped to make a real positive impact for good in your community. Let’s go!”


So that’s it for now. It feels good to make progress on this project. What projects are you working on? Can you take 20 minutes and make some progress today? If so, hit reply and let me know.

As always, I’ll be here to Cheer you on,

Love ya,

Christy 🙂