Happy Wednesday my friend!
This semester in my Bible Study we are studying the books of Philippians, Colossians, and Philemon from the New Testament. We’re starting in Philippians.
This week, Paul is writing from Rome, where he is in prison, literally chained up, to his church family in Phillipi.
He’s talking about how the church in Phillipi should stay encouraged by staying unified in Christ, and that they should, like Christ, look for ways to serve each other.
Then he reminds them to keep doing the good works that they know to do…and to continue to do them without grumbling or arguing.
Way back in the day, when my kids were in Pre-K, the teachers taught them 2 simple sayings.
The first: “Delayed obedience is disobedience.”
(I still use that one from time to time with my 16-year-old!)
The second: “Obey with a happy heart attitude.”
This week, as I read this passage from Philippians 2, I was reminded of these sayings and I was kind of convicted.
Do I go through life doing what I’m supposed to be doing, (loving and serving) with a happy heart attitude, or am I grumbling and complaining?
It’s so easy to get sidetracked and head down that negative pathway, isn’t it?
Things like time pressures, disappointments, and even fear of the future can set us off. Then, instead of working with a happy heart attitude, we’re working from a place of arguing, whining, disagreement, and negativity.
The good news is you can change at any time.
When you catch yourself arguing, complaining, moaning, groaning, and just generally being ungrateful for your life, stop it immediately!
Recognize you’ve fallen into an unhelpful thought pattern, and notice instead, all the good around you.
–Take a moment to be thankful.
–Look for the good in the situation.
–Determine if there’s a way to serve humbly, then get busy!
Philippians 2:14-15 says, “Do everything without complaining and arguing, so that no one can criticize you. Live clean, innocent lives as children of God, shining like bright lights in a world full of crooked and perverse people. ” (NLT)
Do you want to be a light in this dark world?
Do you want to live life with a happy heart attitude?
Later in verse 16, Paul says to “hold on to the word of life” and I believe this is the way we are able to live with that happy heart attitude.
We hold on to the truth we know from the word of God.
We think about things that are good and pure and truthful and loving and kind and generous.
And in this way, we live as children of light with a happy heart attitude.
And just think how much happier we will be, and how much better off our world will be.
All because we purposed to live with a happy heart attitude.
Cheering you on,
P.S. If you want to hear a really “catchy” (ear-worm) song from this verse, here’s Steve Green’s version. I used to play this song when I babysat back in the 90’s…and I have never forgotten it. You’re welcome.