
It’s Never a Straight Line

It’s Never a Straight Line

1024 1403 Christy

Hello sweet friend!

Here in Texas it’s been so HOT I was afraid to buy pumpkins for the front porch.

(Heat + Pumpkin = Stinky Mush!)

But it has finally cooled off, so I’ve decorated and it finally looks like Fall around here! 🙂

On another note, have you noticed that the journey to mastery is a complex and non-linear one?

When I learned flute way back in elementary school, I had to master the scales first. Playing beautiful music was the desired outcome, but the only way to get there was to master the scales so I could play whatever key was required easily and without too much “thinking.”

As I was reminded when my son learned clarinet, the road to mastery is filled with missed notes.

It’s the same in Pickleball. I’ve got to drill the basics, the “dink,” “drop,” and drive,” to such a level that when I’m playing an actual game, these shots become automatic. And even with this practice, I’ll often miss more than I make in a game.

It’s a mixed bag getting to a higher level.

In life, there are a lot of ways this plays out…

For example, you may read a book on communication skills so that when you get into a difficult conversation with your husband, you’re able to have a productive conversation.

But sometimes the conversation with your husband isn’t productive.

Or you practice some cooking basics like chopping and….well, I don’t know what else actually because I’m not much of a cook, but there are probably some “chef-like” skills that would be helpful if you wanted to cook a gourmet meal! 🙂

And yet, the table to master chef is filled with inedible food.

This is the truth…when learning new skills, the line to accomplishment isn’t a straight uphill arrow. It’s up and down and up and down and if you stick with it, there’s a gradual movement up and to the right.

So if you’re learning something new, don’t be discouraged if you’re making mistakes and it seems like it’s taking longer than it should.

Keep practicing the basics, getting better and better, honing your skills, and sharpening your knives.

And enjoy the journey along the way. You may never be the “best” at your chosen thing. But you will have had many amazing experiences that enrich your life along the way.

Cheering you on,

Christy 🙂

P.S. I’d love to know what you’re working on. What area are you practicing right now? Just leave a comment and let me know. 🙂 xoxoxo