
Happiness Through Service

Happiness Through Service

1920 2560 Christy

Hi there!

I have a quick question for you.

Have you noticed that as we get older, it’s easier and easier to focus our attention inward?

I mean, my knees ache now more than they ever did. And if I don’t get my 7 hours+ of sleep, my thinking is a little fuzzier.

On the plus side, I care less about what other people think, so that’s a relief.

My kids require less time and attention. My work is flowing. I can focus more and more on what I want to do.

But overall, all of this thinking is about myself.

There’s a danger there.

This week in our Bible Study we were reading in Ephesians where the Apostle Paul encourages us to “bear one another’s burdens.”

There was a marked focus on loving each other in their community in real, tangible ways. Ways that helped to lighten the load.

And I was challenged to look for ways I could do more of that in my own life.

Rather than focusing on Me! Me! Me!… I could take a breather and turn that focus outward.

Who can I unexpectedly bless?

Who can I drop off flowers for?

Who can I pray for?

Who can I send an encouraging text or funny card to?

There are a lot of ways we can be a blessing to others if we just remember to get our eyes off our own selves and look for opportunities to serve.

This is the time in our lives we can be a blessing, maybe more easily than ever before.

So let’s hop to it! The world is waiting.

As always, I’m cheering you on,


Christy 🙂 xoxo