Happy Wednesday my friend!
It’s one of those miraculous spring days here in Texas with the sun shining in a cloudless sky, the air cool and perfectly warm, with just a hint of a light breeze wafting around your body… (ahhhhhhh.)
And it’s just that “Ahhhhhh” feeling I want to discuss with you today. That “Ahhhhhh” can easily turn into “Awe” and when it does, we’ll be all the better for it.
Psychologists tell us that cultivating wonder and awe are two ways we can all be just a little bit happier. Plus, living in awe and wonder helps us to take our eyes off ourselves, turn our attention outward, and even increase our creativity.
As you can imagine, allowing for space to find that wonder and awe can be a bit difficult in our crazy, overwhelming world.
Thankfully, you don’t have to go on a mountain adventure in Colorado to experience awe. (Although that would be wonderful too!)
It’s finding the wonder and awe in every day that helps you as you go through life.
Don’t wait for the grand moment, instead, you can seek them out little by little:
–While you’re driving in traffic, turn on a classical station and lose yourself in the mystery and magic of music
–When you walk outside to pick up the morning paper, slow yourself to look up into the sky, breathe in deeply, savor the fresh green all around you, and say thank you to a God who gives us all things lavishly.
–The next time you see a soft, round baby in the cart at the grocery store, don’t just rush on by, but stop and smile at that baby. Smile at the Mama and speak a blessing on that sweet family.
And that’s the beauty of it. Wonder and awe are all around us just waiting to be discovered…
Even these little things will bring you wonder and awe.
All of them are reminding you there are so many things much bigger than yourself.
And that’s a great starting point for enriching your life and helping you enjoy life more.
Until next week, remember, as always, I’m
Cheering you on,
P.S. If you’re anywhere near the path of the total eclipse heading our way next Monday, I’d encourage you to take a break, get some eclipse glasses, and go outside to experience the wonder and awe of this amazing world in action!
P.P.S. If this conversation about wonder is interesting to you, you’ll want to check out this new book by Philosopher Helen De Cruz. She does a really good job of discussing the transformative role of wonder and awe in this uncertain world.