Goodness! It’s been almost 3 months since I’ve posted here and I’ve missed you! I’ve missed hearing from you and to tell the honest truth – I’ve missed the opportunity to think through concepts well enough to write a coherent post!
What a year this has been and now here we are just 90 days left until we’re celebrating the entrance of 2106. Are you ready for all the hustle and bustle of the end of year?
I’ve decided to go ahead and get my Christmas cards sent out in the next few weeks. You see last year’s cards are still sitting on the office shelf a-waiting their signing and stuffing. I figure I’ll just write a new letter, snap a few new pictures and add the whole kit and caboodle into last year’s envelope and call it done. Can you relate?
Actually, that’s what I call falling forward.
Things don’t work out as you had planned. Your goal to _______________ (you fill in the blank) was missed by a New York mile. And I figure that’s ok, in fact my experience shows, that’s LIFE. So, here’s the question. How can we dig down into the essence of it, grab the really important part, regroup and once again move forward towards what we want?
And it’s not just with Christmas cards is it? That book you started. The weight you had hoped to shed. The garden you had dreamed of getting landscaped. The clients you had hoped to connect with. All worthy goals. And yet here we are on October 1st and they are still incomplete.
I want to encourage you to stop and ask yourself what’s really important to you. Once you dial back into that core foundation, then it’s time to figure out what you want to focus on for the next 90 days. What activities will move you towards accomplishing what you set out to do back last December or January?
It’s not too late. I promise. No matter how many times you miss, you can always try again. At least that’s my motto. Revisit and make sure you really wanted it? Yes! And then once that’s done, get back on that horse. Or should I say, pick up that card, stuff that envelope and stick on that stamp!
I’m SO happy to be back with you. Let me know what you’ve been doing. You can leave a comment or just send me a tweet over on twitter.
I’m also Periscoping daily, so I’d love for you to join me there as well! More on that later.
Yahoo Christy! Just what I need to hear today.
Glad you are back though I am enjoying your Periscope episodes.
Big HUG to you!