Renowned trainer Michael Clouse says, “People do business with those they know, like and trust.” I’ll re-vamp that to say people communicate best and most effectively with those they know, like and trust. Today and tomorrow we’re going to look at how you can grow in these 3 areas so you can have the positive communication with others you really want.
Know – How do you get to know others and get them to know you? The simplest answer is to be friendly. When you’re in a new place, stick out your hand to someone you don’t know, smile and say, “Hi, I’m (fill in your name). This simple gesture opens the door to conversation, and soon you’ll have a new connection. My college friend, George, reminds me that the very first time he ever met me was in our Speech 101 class when we were both 19. What he noticed was that I was “working the room”, sticking out my hand, smiling and saying, “Hi, I’m Christy,” as I met all my new “friends.” Years later, he came to one of my day-long seminars and he just started laughing. “Christy,” he chuckled, you’re still working the room.” I smiled at him and said, “Yes, and still meeting lots of new friends!”
At work, everyone already knows you, but hat doesn’t mean you should stop being friendly. I’e been in workplaces where the employees don’t even acknowledge each other. There’s no eye contact and rarely a smile. Needless to say, because they engage with each other solely when required, there’s minimal relationship building and what’s left is a building of strangers who work together only when absolutely required. I contend, if they were to take some time to get to know each other, their communication and their lives would be enriched in ways unimagined.
Oftentimes, people tell me they don’t know what to talk about. So I’m going to recommend a favorite book that will help you with this challenge. It’s a classic and was originally published in 1936! But like all classics, it’s as fresh today as if it were written yesterday. It’s called How to Win Friends & Influence People
and I’m sure you know it’s author, Dale Carnegie
. You may have heard that this book is full of tricky techniques to manipulate others into relationship with you. But I found just the opposite. Instead, it’s all about how YOU can be a true friend to others. The magical outcome is that when you’re a friend to others, others become your friend as well. I highly recommend this book!
Tomorrow we’ll talk about the other 2 parts of this discussion – how to build relationship so that people like and trust you. Until then, don’t forget to be friendly! 🙂
This is Day 22 of 31 Days of Powerful Communication Skills for Women. You can read all of my #31Days posts here. And check out The Nester’s #Write31Days blog for other great 31 day series.
Question: Do you find it easy to be friendly, or do you have to work at this? What tips have you tried that makes it easier to stick out your hand and smile? I’d love to hear your stories below!
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