
Podcast Episodes

056 Lori Williams

960 1280 Jodey

As our parents age, we are often faced with challenges we had no idea we needed to be…

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055 Heidi McBain

199 189 Jodey

Have you ever felt alone and like you’re the only one who is feeling a certain way? If…

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054 Linda Lingo

150 150 Jodey

Are you ready to set your intention for this new decade? Or even this new year? If so,…

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5 Minute Motivation – Ask for What You Want

150 150 Jodey

Ask for what you want. This simple positivity principle will help you create a 2020 that’s everything you…

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053 Christy Largent- New Year’s Eve Show

150 150 Jodey

In this episode Christy shares strategies and techniques for effective, intentional Goal Setting Key Ideas: “Goal setting is…

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5 Minute Motivation – Forgiveness

150 150 Jodey

Forgiveness. It’s so important and yet sometimes so difficult. In this podcast, Christy tells a story that illustrates…

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052 Christy Largent

150 150 Jodey

In this episode Christy shares from her heart about the best Christmas Gift ever. Key Ideas: “We celebrate…

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5 Minute Motivation – Think About Good Things

150 150 Jodey

Think About Good Things. Not always easy, but super important to the outcome of our life. In this…

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051 Ashlee Tate

150 150 Jodey

If you’ve always wanted to jump into your greatness, then Ashlee Tate and her Social Life Tribe can…

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050 The Mom Mentor, Mona Corwin

150 150 Jodey

You know that feeling when you just don’t know what to do? Your kid acts up and you’re…

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