
Are You A Nut…sheller?

Are You A Nut…sheller?


I’ve noticed that when it comes to ways people communicate, most organizations are full of basically two types of communicators. There are the “Nutshellers” and the “Detail Lovers.”

One of my clients, a high-level executive from San Diego, once made this comment; she said, “Christy, I hope you’re going to tell me what to do with these people. I’m telling you, they come into my office, and they go on and on and on and on, and I say to them, Nutshell, nutshell, just give me the nutshell!” I just had to laugh!

But I think we can learn a valuable lesson from the story. It’s a good plan when you’re dealing with these “Nutshellers” to do them (and yourself) a favor. Just give them the nutshell! If they want more information, they will ask. These are the people with whom it’s a good idea to live the “don’t tell until they ask” policy. Speak in bullet points, and get right to the point. When you do this, you will find their attention level will stay high, and they will appreciate your focus.

But what if you’re not the Nutsheller? Well, you’re probably the “Detail Lover”. You know you are this if you tend to be the one going on and on and on and on. You might even notice people get a glazed and dazed expression as you are telling them all the ins and outs of your latest projects. You LOVE the details. And that’s a good thing! We need people who read the directions and pay attention to all the specific stuff.  Imagine if your physician couldn’t be bothered with the details?  What a nightmare!  But if you are able to focus on the details, just be judicious with your use of these precious nuggets of information.

And if you Nutshellers want to make a powerful impression with the detail lovers, ask them for the details. They are truly the experts in all the information you would ever want to know. Tap into their focus on details and experience the benefit as you watch them blossom.

Recognizing which of these two communication types you tend to be can help you communicate more effectively. And, as an added benefit, you’ll get to experience improved relationship and stronger bonds as you “give it to them” as they like it.

Question: Which are you? Nutsheller or Detail lover? I’d love your stories in the comments. Feel free to tell us in your “style”. 🙂

  • Mindy Mason von Gunten May 2, 2014 at 8:29 pm

    I need to learn to be more Squirrel-like! 😉 Thanks for the reminder!!

  • Christy Largent May 3, 2014 at 1:05 am

    Oh Mindy! I think you’re perfect just like you are! 🙂 Did you read today’s post? What do you think? xoxo

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