
A Family Update

A Family Update

802 1722 Christy

Hello sweet friends,

This blog post is taken from my weekly newsletter, Pop of Positivity, which I send out each week. If you’re not subscribed, please do, so you won’t miss a thing!

I hope you had a wonderfully restful holiday this weekend with your friends and family and those of us in the US were able to take a moment to think about the men and women who gave their life in service to this country.

It’s so easy to take for granted all these sweet freedoms we enjoy, so I find it a blessing to slow down for a moment of gratitude for those who were so important in keeping us free.

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For the past almost 6 years, I’ve sent out this newsletter every single week to you, my sweet Pop of Positivity Family. (And then posted it here on my website blog.) During that time, I’ve moved from writing primarily about leadership, customer service, mindset and positive communication to talking about midlife, and then even some about Pickleball.

That means you may be getting this email because you were interested in one of the above things, or if you’re a real OG, then you might be getting this because you heard me speak at a conference or event. (Thank you for sticking with me!)

All that is to say that for the month of June, I’ll be taking a break.

I’m headed to Europe for the month, and rather than just schedule weekly emails to go out, I’m going to focus on other things.

This break is in preparation for when I come back in July.

Upon my return, I will be offering you a specific focus for your weekly Pop of Positivity.

You will have the opportunity to pick which topics interest you most, and receive the newsletter and other offerings around that (those) topic(s).

The specifics are not yet concrete, but right now I’m thinking the topic areas will be:

Mindset: You want to strengthen your mindset so you can live your best life. Whether taking care of your grandkids, working your heart out or having fun on the Pickleball courts. How we think about things impacts everything, and this newsletter will focus on how you can think to enjoy everything just a little bit better.

Faith: You love the connection of faith and life and want more about how to do it seamlessly. This newsletter will help you deepen your faith in and strengthen your walk with the Lord.

Travel: I’ll be doing a lot more traveling in the next few years (more on that exciting news later in the summer) so this newsletter will cover all things involved with traveling. From clothes to packing, flying, cruising, and how to do it all with even less stress and more joy. Of course, this will also include awesome places where I’m playing Pickleball!

I’ve also been toying with the idea of starting a VLOG on YouTube covering the same topics, so I’m excited to hash out the details. I should have more specifics for you throughout the summer.

So for now, I’d love to know what you are doing this summer! You can leave a comment and let me know.

And I’ll look forward to connecting with you again in July.

Until then, please feel free to follow me on ​Instagram​ as I start my trip in Barcelona, and be sure you’ve subscribed to my ​YouTube channel​ too.

Love you and cheering you on,

Christy πŸ™‚

P.S. A small favor: If you’ve purchased one of my Pickleball books, ​Dink Positive Thoughts​ or ​The World of Pickleball Word Search​, if you would be so kind as to leave me a review. I haven’t done much to get reviews for these books, but Amazon really depends on those reviews to share the book with other shoppers. It would mean the world if you would leave me a review! Thank you. πŸ™‚