
Where Can You Find Generosity?

Where Can You Find Generosity?

150 150 Christy

Now that Easter has passed and we’re heading towards mid-year, how about a Christmas holiday throwback?  Were you by chance one of the 35 million people who viewed the WestJet video at Christmas?  If not, take a minute (actually 5) and enjoy it here.

So how did that make you feel?  If you’re like I am, you experienced joy, disbelief, laughter, tears and an overall feeling of happiness, wellbeing and goodwill towards man.  That’s what happens when generosity infects the environment.

But what does generosity look like when you don’t have a multi-million-dollar budget and a video capturing every moment?  In other words, how can we live generously every day?  Here are some thoughts…

Generosity in your workplace might look like a bringing a co-worker a cup of coffee or an apple back from the break room.  It might look like scrambling to help a team member finish a presentation on time.  It might even look like sharing resources and best practices although it brings you no immediate gain. (Thank you Shout Out to www.michaelhyatt.com…love that man and his team!)

Generosity in your friendships might mean going to that lunch place you don’t really care for but your girlfriend loves.  Or how about listening to a story you’ve heard your co-worker tell for the 5th time, and you show just as much interest as the first time you heard it.   Even more powerfully, a generous friend will tell you the truth…speaking the truth in love even when the truth hurts.

Generosity at home might be seen when you cheerfully take out the trash even though you hate to do it.  It’s when you listen to your 4th grader read when you would rather be watching the game.  It’s when you make arrangements for a babysitter and surprise your mate with a special night out.  Generosity is when you let go of what hurts you have experienced and look for the best rather than expect the worst.

A Generous Giver is someone who does not always demand to do things their way.  They give from their heart without expecting payback.  They share from what they have with a happy heart attitude. When you give generously, you give from a place of abundance, whether you are actually experiencing abundance at that time or not..it’s your inside attitude that shows on the outside.

How do you like being around generous people?  I love it.  When I’m with my generous girlfriend, I feel inspired to be more generous myself.  And that’s the kind of person I aim to be.  How about you?

Question:  When have you experienced generosity and what did it look like for you?  What difference would it make in your life if you chose to live generously?