
#513: 5 Minute Motivation – Be Purposeful (Podcast)

#513: 5 Minute Motivation – Be Purposeful (Podcast)


I want to give you a 3-step process to refresh and renew your goals for 2015.  We’re almost 1/2 way through the year, so this is a perfect time to make sure you are on track for your Best Year Ever!

Here are the 3 steps I use:

  1. Consider where you were when you set the goals.
  2. Look at what you’ve accomplished so far.
  3. Consider what’s still left to do and readjust if necessary

Encouraging Word for the day:  Psalms 20:4  “May He grant you your heart’s desire and fulfill all your plans.”

  • Mary Lou Caskey June 11, 2015 at 6:03 am

    Thanks for this great podcast! It’s exciting to hear how you are taking care of your health.

    You probably know that I have lost and gained many times in my life. One of the keys was to not get caught up in how long it takes. I loved your attitude that you did not get sidelined by not reaching your original time frame (that causes many problems)…way to go..bless you!

    • Thanks Mary Lou. And I enjoyed reading about your story as well. I guess if it were easy… well, you know. I’m finding it’s almost like being an alcoholic. I just have to think “one day at a time” and sometimes it’s one minute at a time! Thanks again. So glad you enjoyed the podcast.

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