Do you realize that a well tuned mind is kind of like magic? Really. It’s true. Here are my top 5 action steps you can take to ensure you’re “feelin’ the magic” in the best way, each and every day.
1. Be intentional with your input. What are you allowing into your mind? From the newspaper you read first thing in the morning, to the talk radio at lunch, to the TV Shows you consume with regularity each evening, everything matters.
Garbage in = Garbage out is very true. Instead of 3 hours of TV a night, turn the TV off and pick up a book. Or better yet, turn the TV off and go for a walk while listening to a book on your mobile device., and your public library are all excellent resources.
One thing successful leaders share is a passion for learning. Creating a consumption plan, and inputing only what will cause you to move forward towards your goals is a huge step of intentionality.
One of the best things I have done this year is listen to (almost) every day. Hearing truth spoken over me daily has inspired and grounded me during this year of change.
2. Recognize the power of neuroplasticity. Your brain can change. In fact, the latest science shows that you can keep changing your brain until you die. That’s great news for those of us on a growth trajectory. Never underestimate what you can do when you tap into the power of neuroplasticity.
3. Avoid negative input. This is a huge one! Tom Ziglar, son of Zig Ziglar the great motivator and trainer, put it this way, “What you feed yourself determines your appetite”. When you feed your mind negative input, you actually begin to demand more and more negative experiences. That’s because we alway want to be right, so we create the negative reality that reinforces what we have told ourselves, all so we won’t be wrong. Simple, right?
I challenge you to stop ALL negative self talk. When you catch yourself saying negative things to yourself like, “I’m just always late”, immediately stop and re-frame the sentence into the positive. It might sound like this; “In the past, I was sometimes late, but now I’m becoming more and more on time.” Do you hear the difference? I challenge you to start reframing your negative. I promise you’ll love the difference it will make in your life.
4. Physically feed yourself the good stuff. If you are frustrated with foggy thinking or forgetfulness, or if you don’t sleep well or find yourself depressed, the first thing you can do is modify your diet to a brain healthy diet. Dr. Daniel Amen in his groundbreaking The Amen Solution: The Brain Healthy Way to Get Thinner, Smarter, Happier and Dr. David Purlmutter in his mind-bending Grain Brain: The Surprising Truth about Wheat, Carbs, and Sugar–Your Brain’s Silent Killers
along with Wheat Belly: Lose the Wheat, Lose the Weight, and Find Your Path Back to Health
author Dr. William Davis have done extensive research into the effect of food on our brain chemistry. These books will open your eyes to optimum health like no other books I’ve ever read.
Eating lots of organic veggies and grass fed meats with a little fruit will dynamically nourish your brain. Eliminate the grains, sugar, dairy and processed foods, and watch your symptoms clear. A 30 day trial will give you amazing insight into your body. I’d love to hear your results!
5. Practice, practice, practice. You know what you want, now get busy and practice to make it a reality. The more you do it the right way, the better you get. Just like Tiger Woods will only practice a correct shot, when you practice the right way of thinking, positive progress will become natural. In fact, it will kind of be like…magic!
Question: Which of these areas are the biggest challenges for you? Which areas are the easiest? Please share with us your stories.