It’s only the second day of summer vacation and I’ve lost focus. In fact, I feel like I’m running around like a chicken with my head cut off. What’s a woman to do?
First things first. Yes, this was written on my whiteboard by my Amelia. I love how she spells, and I really love how she is focused on what is important. As I mentioned at the end of May, my weight loss challenge was a “failure”. The month was really GREAT in other areas…but…
Do you ever do that? When the one thing you really want to achieve doesn’t happen, you write off the whole month? That is SO MUCH my tendency. But I’m learning and growing and so today I celebrate all the good things that happened in May. My podcast launched! I made it to iTunes New and Noteworthy thanks to all the amazing reviews! I kept up with semi-regular blogs. I recognized that I have a focus on perfectionism. This is actually the first time I’m figuring out that I really am a perfectionist in quite a few areas of my life. Yeah! Growth! The book The Gifts of Imperfection: Let Go of Who You Think You’re Supposed to Be and Embrace Who You Are is really helping me (and I think it would help you too if this is your struggle).
My girlfriend told me about a trainer who helps you re-set your metabolism. Seriously, I have tried everything (too many to go into here) and I’m sure my metabolism is as sluggish at the pink goop McDonalds uses for it’s chicken nuggets. So, as soon as I finish this blog post, I’m going to call him up and get an appointment. Can’t hurt, and it just might help. I’ll keep you posted!
Now to the really important stuff. The “I’m running around like a chicken with my head cut off” syndrome that mysteriously reappears every June. If this is something you can relate to, here are my top 5 ideas for getting back on track. I’m going to start them right after I finish this post and call that magical trainer…
- Write down what you want to accomplish. When everything is going crazy, the easiest thing in the world is to forget what you really need to do. The urgent jumps up to the top of your mind and you lose track of the important. Writing it down will give you clarity and free up your brain.
- Prioritize. My guess is that your list is crazy long. Everything from put in a load of wash to contact that client. I find that prioritizing is a huge help since I RARELY finish everything on my list during the day. I feel really good when I can check off each item and know the most important thing has been done. If you struggle with prioritizing and procrastinating, I’ll encourage you to read Eat That Frog!: 21 Great Ways to Stop Procrastinating and Get More Done in Less Time
by Brian Tracy. This book is full of great practical suggestions for how to get the hard stuff done. I re-read my copy at least once a year to keep me on track.
- Keep the list handy. I sometimes write a list and then close my notebook and forget about it. Don’t do that! Keep it open and handy so you can check off things as you do them. It also helps you stay on task.
- Set aside 40-50 minutes to work without distractions. Do whatever it takes to be uninterrupted. Work while the baby is asleep. Get up early. Stay up late. Shut the door. Turn on the TV for heaven’s sake. That’s why PBS was invented! You get my drift. Set the time and work undistracted. You will be amazed at how effective and productive you will be in such a short amount of time.
- Celebrate your wins! You did it! You accomplished something today. Go kiss your kids, pet the dog and jump in the pool. You’re going to need it ’cause tomorrow it starts all over again. Big hugs from sunny, hot (105!) and summery Redding.
Question: How do you handle the challenges summer brings? What are your best practices?. Share please. We’d love to know! Just post your ideas below in the comments section.