Do you feel overwhelmed today? So many things to do, you’re not sure where to start? I know! Me too. Some days are worse than others, right? And this morning was one of those mornings.
I’m so excited I have so much on my plate. I mean, I’m really thankful for the work and the opportunities ahead in this last quarter of the year.
But, And, it’s so easy to spin ’round and ’round trying to figure out what’s next.
I know you super organized, focused and driven people don’t even get what I’m saying. So just skip this post and go get yourself a nice Pumpkin Spice Latte. But for the rest of us, here’s what helped me today.
As I thought about how to focus in, I combined a strategy I just learned from my friend and fellow professional speaker, Pegine, with one of my favorite action steps taken from Gary Keller’s awesome book, The One Thing, and came up with 3 quick steps to help get me back on track.
- Ask Yourself…“What is the one thing I can work on for a concentrated amount of time today that will really move my business forward?” (Gary Keller’s idea.) This is such a great question because it really helps center your thinking on things that matter. There is so much busywork that can jump up and grab our time – but when you ask this question, the busywork fades and the best emerges.
- List the top 3-4 things that come to mind. I’m sure you have a lot of GOOD things you could do today. But without a doubt, there are most likely 3-4 things that could be classified as GREAT. Put a big circle around the one that stands out above the rest. Create a sentence of intention around this one thing.
- Write it down 10 times. Yup. Just like back when you got in trouble (I mean, some other kid got in trouble) and had to write something 100 times. (Pegine’s idea.) Just 10 times. It’s amazing how powerful it is to set your intention and then write that intention down multiple times. I’ve found as I write, I usually fine tune the goal/intention as well.
I’m off to Periscope on this very topic, so if you haven’t tried Periscope yet, be sure to hop over to my Periscope page today, or click over to Katch to see a replay of all my Scopes. (Including Graham’s piano concert last night!) Once I figure out the technical, I’ll get the scopes posted here on my website as well. It’s baby steps, right?
Did this exercise help you? What was your 1-thing today? Give me a quick tweet or you can comment below and let me know! I’d love to cheer you on!
Love ya,