Sometimes we just need a little help.
As I’ve mentioned before, I’ve been working with a few different coaches these days.
A life coach (Dr. Edie), a physical trainer, Connor, specializing in Pickleball (coach), a nutritional coach, as well as a professional therapist.
This week, my nutrition coach shared with me an illustration that has been so meaningful I just had to share it with you.
We were talking about an ideal nutritional balance and she said,
“You know Christy, for every 1 mile of road, there are 2 miles of ditches.”
Once that sank in, she continued…
“One side ditch is when you are off the rails, eating anything and everything with no limits and no guidelines. The times you think, “Screw it, I’m just going to eat the whole cake. :)”
“The other ditch is when you are super rigid and strict, never deviating and strictly limiting all food and drink.”
Can you picture that? She continued…
“The goal is to stay in the middle of the road. Knowing that sometimes you’ll veer off into one ditch or the other, but as you grow, you’ll find ways to set up bumpers to keep you on the main road. And when you find yourself in the ditch, you’ll discover skills and resources to get you back up on the main road, and your “ditch time” will get less and less as you grow and get more comfortable in the middle.”
I loved this image!!
I immediately saw a road I traveled on often up in Northern California. Ditches on either side with wild grasses growing on either side of the ditches, with the striped road heading straight north…I could picture myself on that road.
Then I thought of a bowling alley. You know how when little kids go to a bowling alley for a birthday party, there are “bumpers” that are raised to keep the kids’ bowling balls from going into the gutters?
I pictured that!
And I’m challenged thinking of how I can create some “bumpers” that will keep me out of the ditches.
Bumpers like the timer on my phone for my time, so I don’t spend hours scrolling on social media.
Bumpers like nutritionally dense cut-up fruit and vegetables and healthy snacks at the ready for my diet, so I don’t wallow in either ditch.
Bumpers like a scheduled weekly check-in for my relationships, so I don’t disengage when the going gets tough.
My friend, what are your ditches? And what are the bumpers you can put up to keep you on the road?
And then I want to think about some tools for getting me back up out of the ditches when I invariably teeter into them…
Tools like a weekly coaching call, keeping track of my food choices, and an accountability buddy for working out.
Tools like going to church on Sunday morning and writing in my journal each day.
Yours may be different, but I know there are bumpers you can find and tools you can use that will help you stay on the road and out of the ditches.
I really hope this has sparked thought for you like it did for me. It just gave me so much hope!
As I am reminded there really are 2 miles of ditches for every 1 mile of road and that’s the way it is.
So I get to do my part to be aware of it and do my best to keep moving forward.
Love you and I’d love to hear your bumpers and tools. What works for you? Just leave a comment and let me know.
Cheering you on,
Christy 🙂